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Our fascinating back-story

The integral model of The Plant Library has evolved over decades of research, development and experimenation. At KarmYog for 21st Century, our team has thousands of man-months of experience and deep expertise in development of technology and digital media content related to learning and marketing communication. Our award-winning OmniDEL technology backbone has powered over 400 programs across 4 continents. With 'curiosity-stimulators' on the ground  (Q.Rius) and the 'story-database' in the cloud (Q.Tube), OmniDEL is the world's first IoT based learning & communicatin channel


The efforts have been led by the unwavering belief and relentless saadhana, of our founder Sri sourabh J. sarkar. His life mission has been directed towards transforming how education systems work. His passion and dedication for bringing meaningful opportunities for growth and developent for all is reflected in the holistic and elegant nature of The Plant Library. He is supported by friends, investors, well-wishers, partners and colleagues who are collectively making the impossible come true.      

Meet The Team

OmniDEL:  The award winning platform

Q.Rius: The Curiosity stimulator on plants

Q.Tube: Stories in the cloud to quell curiosity

sourabh J. sarkar, founder KarmYog for the 21st Century

The integral model of The Plant Library has evolved over decades of research, development and experimenation. At KarmYog for 21st Century, our team has thousands of man-months of experience and deep expertise in development of technology and digital media content related to learning and marketing communication. Our award-winning OmniDEL technology backbone has powered over 400 programs across 4 continents. With 'curiosity-stimulators' on the ground  (Q.Rius) and the 'story-database' in the cloud (Q.Tube), OmniDEL is the world's first IoT based learning & communicatin channel


The efforts have been led by the unwavering belief and relentless saadhana, of our founder Sri sourabh J. sarkar. His life mission has been directed towards transforming how education systems work. His passion and dedication for bringing meaningful opportunities for growth and developent for all is reflected in the holistic and elegant nature of The Plant Library. He is supported by friends, investors, well-wishers, partners and colleagues who are collectively making the impossible come true.      

Our Investors

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